Post-Operative Instructions
Please follow each instruction carefully in order to promote normal healing and avoid complications.
- Smoking is extremely dangerous after an extraction or any other surgical procedure. Avoid smoking for at least 3 days.
- Keep gentle constant pressure on the gauze for at least 30 minutes. Do not move the gauze or chew on it.
- After 30 minutes, gently remove the gauze, dispose of it, sit down and relax for one hour. Try to keep as still as possible during that time and avoid bending over.
- After an hour of relaxation, you can start drinking cold liquid foods. Nourish yourself well, you will heal faster. Choose healthy foods like vegetable and fruit smoothies. Avoid anything sweet, hot or spicy that can irritate the surgical site.
Suggested smoothie recipes
- For 24 hours, avoid rinsing, spitting and drinking with a straw. Avoid any movement that may dislodge or dissolve the fragile blood clot, so avoid any pressure or suction in the mouth. Also, avoid blowing your nose.
If you feel the need to spit, just gently push it out with your tongue on some tissue paper. Rinsing is only recommended 24 hours after the surgery. You may start rinsing only then, with a glass of warm water mixed with one teaspoon of salt or with green tea, 3 to 5 times a day.
- For the first 24 hours, a little bit of bleeding is normal. Do not worry. If it persists take a tea bag, either black or green tea, and put it EXACTLY on the site and bite on it with constant pressure for at least 30 minutes.
- Avoid any physical activity for 2 days.
- Continue taking your medication precisely as prescribed by your dentist, unless you feel it is causing you discomfort, in which case discontinue and call the office on the next business day.